Friday, May 22, 2020

Comey "By the book"

The links above show the dishonesty of Jim Comey, Mr. Higher Loyalty (the name of his book). One wonders what loyalty he was referring to.
He was in the Jan 5th meeting with POTUS, Biden, Yates, Rice, etc when President Obama told them to do everything "by the book."

By his own admission to Nicole Wallace Mr. Comey knew what the proper protocols were for speaking with or interviewing a White House official, yet he "sent them in" to talk with Flynn to take advantage of the new White House.
Comey made judgments about the "unusual' number of calls between Flynn and the Russian Ambassador. Had he compared that number with previous incoming officials in the past?

Comey disregarded "the book" and proper protocols to try to catch Flynn in some way. If he were truly concerned about Flynn then why no to to Trump and tell him?
If he were truly loyal to the country then why not go an offer help to the new administration regarding proper protocols?

Jim Comey knew the protocols yet he disregarded them. In doing so he violated the demand of Pres. Obama, thus putting him at risk of suspicion. He set an example within the FBI of violating protocols. He had a chance to do the honorable thing, but he didn't, and he's bragging about it with Nicole Wallace.
The man should have been fired after the July 5, 2016 press conference regarding the Hilary email scandal.

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