Wednesday, May 28, 2008

From VoV "The Gift of Gifts"

In the gospel we have the gift of gifts containing the pinnacle of Wonder, Love, Power, and Wisdom.
When we lose sight of the wonder of the gospel, "he came below to raise me above; was born like me that I might become like him", then our hearts become restless and unsatisfied. The result is that we "grab for all the gusto" the world has to offer. We seek wonder in things that are not truly wonder-ful. there is a lack of contentment in our lives - individually or as a society.

This is where we are in our world today. God is small and man is big, but man can't sustain the spiritual and emotional weight we put on him (us). Apart from god man is just a cosmic accident void of wonder.

We were made for wonder and its ultimate measure is found in the mystery of the incarnation and the saving grace of God in Christ. Let that capture your heart and you'll find a deep well of contentment for your soul.

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