Thursday, April 23, 2020

Covid-19 insanity

For years we've heard some say quite loudly that, "If you're not a woman, then you can't talk about abortion or sexual harassment."

So in line with that how about, "If you still have a job that is deemed essential and not shut down or can work from home, then you can't talk about when others can go back to work."

Or this, "If you are pro-abortion then you can't talk about how the lock-down is worth it if it saves just one life." Would you agree to shut down abortion clinics to save one life?

When your pro-lock down argument is "You just want people to die", then we know that you really don't have much of an argument. That's not an argument; that's just Covid-19 insanity. It is a virus that is worse than Covid-19.

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