I'm listening to a C.J. Mahaney talk on The Soul of Modesty, which is primarily for the benefit of women and it struck me...."how odd or ironic that scripture typically exhorts men, not women, to avoid the fleshly lusts and sexual sin yet it typically exhorts women to dress modestly."
It seems that women, who don't "struggle" with sexual sin in the same way that men do are particularly tempted to dress in a way that is not modest, i.e. in a way that provokes the lustful response in men. Part of the irony is that the sin that women tend to really dislike in men is our tendency toward sexual sin of heart, mind, and body. While hating that sinful tendency in men women, it seems, are still tempted to immodest dress.
Is it that there is simply a sort of blindness about this? yes and no.
I need to get back to listening to the rest of the message.
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