from Steve Deace Show
1:11:24 mark
Corona Doxology
Praise Centers for disease control
Praise it you vectors for disease
Praise it above vitamin D
Praise Fauci, masks, and Wallensky
Covid Prayer
Our vaccine which art in viles
hallowed be thy name
two shots were good, three shots better
in my arm and they are in yours
give us this day our face diapers,
and forgive us our breathing
as we forgive those who breath around us,
and lead us not into masklessness and
deliver us from Florida,
for thine is the lockdown and the power forever.
Amazing Mask:
Amazing Mask, how sweet the cloth,
that saved a wretch like you.
I once could breath, but now you're safe
from asymptomatic spread
How Great thou Art
How Great thou Art O Moderna
When i am navel gazing, consider how fast thou hast made vaccines.
I see the vile, I feel the needle piercing,
MRNA flows freely through my veins.
Then sings my soul Moderna,
laud to thee
How great thou art, how great thou art.