Friday, March 27, 2009
Glorious Trinity, impress the gospel on my soul, until its virture diffuses every faculty;
Let it be heard, acknowledged, professed, felt.
VoV - The Name of Jesus
All searching God,
Thou readest the heart, viewest principles and motives of actions,
seest more defilement in my duties than I ever saw in my sins.
VoV - Purification
If my life is to be a crucible amind burning heat, so be it
but do thou sit at the furnace mouth
to watch the ore that nothing be lost.
VoV - Seventh Day Morning
In Christ thou art reconciled to Thy rebellious subjects;
give us the ear of faith to hear him,
the eye of faith to see him,
the hand of faith to receive him,
the appetite of faith to feed upon him
Friday, February 13, 2009
Feb 6, 2009
VoV - the convicting Spirit
the prayer shows us the work of the hs to bring us to repentance and to show us God's ability to save and his big heart and love for sinners.
VoV Union with Christ:
"No sin is greater than the sin of unbelief...
In love divest me of blessings that i may glorify thee the more; .remove the fuel of my sin, and may I prize the gain of a little holiness as overbalancing all my loses.
..the more my heart is broken for sin, the more i pray it may be far more broken. "
FEB 13 2009
VoV the All Good p 10-11
Thou hast helped me to see...
that nothing is good but thee,
that i am near good when i am near thee,
that to be like thee is a glorious thing.
This is my magnet, my attraction
Wow- that's good stuff. What is my magnet? I pray for myself, my family, our church that OUR spiritual north would be the nearness of God.
..If it be consistent with thy eternal counsels,
the purpose of thy grace
and the great ends of thy glory,
then bestow upon me the blessings of thy comforts;
If not, let me be pleased to trust thy wiser determinations.
That is the heart of faith and resting in the person of god.